#1 - How to Leave Work at Work

Hey there!

This is the first of our many upcoming weekly updates from the Amna Team.

I read an article today on How to Leave Work at Work in HBR, and one of the four steps:

Make sure you have clarity on what needs to be done, and when it should be done.

Fortunately, you can get a lot of clarity with our new calendar view.

You can also get a head start on a few tasks by writing out your notes ahead of time or opening the right links! Future you will be super pleased.

Product Updates for the Week 🎉

  1. Browser Updates are coming out this week (ETA: Wednesday)

    • Right-Click Open in New-Tab.
    • Fixing Weird Zooming Issues
    • Problems with Clicking around in Office Online and Lucid Chart
  2. Enter Enter Enter. When you open Amna, just click the enter key and start typing. Hit enter again, and ta-da, you’ve added your first task. Zoom through adding your tasks.

  3. We have a new landing page coming up for future customers! We’ll send it your way for early feedback.

Closing Thoughts 👊

Try to plan your week with Amna! You’ll feel great about it.

A few minutes for yourself can go a long way improving your work life. Plus, you have an entire product team that will listen to your feedback and build a product for you.

Write back to us with any thoughts or questions.

Have a great week!

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